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CBSE Advisory: Beware of Misleading Information Circulation

Official Advisory Regarding CBSE Information for Session 2024-25

CBSE Advisory Beware of Misleading Information Circulation

It has come to our notice that Some online portals and websites are circulating outdated links and fake news related to Sample Question Papers, Curriculum, CBSE resources, and activities. These links and news falsely claim to provide updated information for the session 2024-25.

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The Importance of Authenticity

In the public interest, we want to emphasize that information from unauthorized sources can be misleading and cause unnecessary confusion among schools, students, parents, and other stakeholders.

CBSE Official Sources

It is hereby advised to refer only to the official CBSE website for authentic information and updates regarding CBSE. The main official website is:

CBSE Official Website


ALLEN JEE Main 2024 Result

Others Official Websites

In addition, the following official websites/microsites can be accessed for specific information, official policies, notifications, documents, notifications, etc. related to various aspects of CBSE:

  1. CBSE Academic: https://www.cbseacademic.nic.in/ – Academic and Skill Education, including Sample Question Papers, Subjects, Curricula, and related Resources, Publications, Programs, SAFAL etc.
  2. CBSE Results: https://results.cbse.nic.in/ – CBSE Exam Results
  3. CTET: https://ctet.nic.in/ – Central Teacher Eligibility Test
  4. PRASHIKSHAN TRIVENI: https://cbseit.in/cbse/2022/ET/frmListing – Training related activities
  5. CBSE SARAS: https://saras.cbse.gov.in/SARAS – Integrated e-Affiliation System
  6. PARIKSHA SANGAM: https://parikshasangam.cbse.gov.in/ps/ Exam related activities


All concerned are advised to rely exclusively on these official sources for correct updates. Thank you for your cooperation.

Download Below Official CBSE Advisory PDF – Beware of Misleading Information Circulation

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