Student of ALLEN Career Institute Classroom Programme(Class XII), Navneel Singhal won Silver Medal for the country in 11th International Olympiad on Astronomy & Astrophysics,2017 conducted by Homi Bhabha Centre For Science Education in Thailand.
The orientation and selection camp was held in Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education in Mumbai from April 22, 2017 to May 08, 2017. About 51 students from all over the country participated in this process. The theoretical exam round was conducted, from which 5 students were selected. These 5 students represented India for IOAA 2017 in Phuket,Thailand
Brajesh Maheshwari, Director said, ALLEN Classroom Student Navneel Singhal represented India in IOAA 2017 Level. Students from 45 counties participated in International Olympiad on Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017. Navneel bagged a Silver Medal and brought glory to the nation and made Kota coaching proud. He is currently preparing for IIT Entrance Exam from Allen Career Institute and living in Kota with her mother Mrs. Anshu Singhal.
Talking about his past academic achievements maheshwari said, “He is a bright young champ, he has received Bronze Medal in Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad, 2017 and Secured position within the top 30 students in Indian National Olympiad,2017. Navneel Singhal won 2nd prize in Sharygin Geometry Olympiad, 2017. He received Certificate of Merit in Indian National Mathematical Olympiad, 2016, Certificate of Merit in NSEJS (National Standard Examination in Junior Science)2015-16 for being in State wise top 1% of the candidates enrolled in the state of UP and Certificate of Merit in NSEJS (National Standard Examination in Junior Science)2014-15 for being in Statewise top 1% of the candidates enrolled in the state of Delhi. He also secured 20th Rank in KVPY 2016″.

International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) is an annual event for high school students from all around the world who has performed remarkably. Established in Thailand 2006, it was initiated by five countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Iran, China and Poland with the aim to proliferate Astronomy among high school students, to foster friendship among young astronomers at international level so as to build cooperation in the field of Astronomy in the future among the young scholars.
Maheshwari further added that International Olympiad on Astronomy & Astrophysics is conducted in 4 stages. The first stage is National Standard Examination in Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad from which 300 students are selected for the next round.
In the second stage 300 students, selected in National Standard Examination in on Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad take part from which 50 students are selected for the third stage.
The third stage is Orientation and selection camp which takes place for 15 days, 50 students who have qualified the second stage are scrutinised in this round. In the end, 5 students are selected for the final stage. These selected 5 students represent India in International Olympiad on Astronomy & Astrophysics.
IOAA’s final round includes 4 eaxms.The first is theoretical Exam, for 50 marks. The second exam is of Data Analysis, a paper- or computer-based task, and counts 25 marks. Observational Exam is the third which counts as 25 marks of the total. The last exam is Team Competition, in which national teams are set to do a huge task, involving both individual and group efforts, with theoretical and /or practical reasoning.