Chennai | “The Hindu In School” newspaper in association with EdSix Brain Lab’s Skill Angels conducted ‘Super Brain Challenge 2015’, an online gaming contest held in Chennai. For which the award ceremony of ‘Super Brain Challenge 2015’ was held on this Sunday 24th Apr 2016.
ALLEN Career Institute’s Classroom Programme student Jeswant Gembali bagged Rank 44 under Grade XI category. He was awarded medal and a certificate by Chief guest Mylswamy Annadurai, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre. The contest aimed at assessing core brain skills and had five games to test memory, visual processing, focus and attention, problem-solving and linguistic skills. The contestants were supposed to complete the games within a set time limit.
The scoring was based on correct answers and speed of completion. The organizers rewarded skill toppers and over-all toppers in each grade. Students from over 2,000 schools from all over India took part. The contest, which was in the form of online games, tested students on memory, visual processing, focus and attention, problem solving and language skills. The first round was held in November. The finals were held on February 7.
Earlier Jeswant Gembali bagged the ‘OLX Ideathon -2015‘ award, constituted under the Swachh Bharat Mission, for his eco-friendly idea of converting vegetable waste into manure. He received the award from tennis star Sania Mirza for floating his innovative idea in ‘My Country My Idea campaign‘ contest.
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