In recently declared results of HBCSE Olympiad 2012-13(stage I), students of Allen Career Institute have secured a record total of…
Olympiads and Competitions
30 Dec: ALLEN’s Pre Nurture Division students bagged 6 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Bronze Medal in 5th IYMC
ALLEN’s Pre-Nurture Division students proved their brilliance in recently organized convention i.e., International Young Mathematician’s Convention (IYMC). 18 students of ALLEN…
06 Dec: 27 students of ALLEN’S Pre Nurture Division proved their mettle in EUREKA International 2012
A group of 27 students & teachers of Allen’s Pre-Nurture Division came back to Kota with flying colors. 27 students of Allen’s…
Click on the following links to download the Q Paper and Solutions. nsea2012_paper nsea2012_solution nsep2012_paper nsep2012_solution nsejs2012_paper nsejs2012_solution nsec2012_paper nsec2012_solution…
Click on the following link to download the answer key. NSO Key
Click on the following links to download the Q Papers NTSE 2013 -Stage 1 (Rajasthan) SAT NTSE 2013 -Stage 1…
Click on the following link to download the answer key of NTSE (First Level) (Rajasthan) SAT. NTSE 2013 stage 1(Rajasthan)…
182 STUDENTS of ALLEN have qualified for the final stage of NATIONAL MATHS TALENT CONTEST (NMTC) 2012, conducted by “THE ASSOCIATION OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS…
16 STUDENTS of Allen’s Pre Nurture Division have made their way to the final stage of UNIFIED CYBER OLYMPIAD (UCO) 2012, conducted…
ARCHIT SHARMA, student of ALLEN’s Pre Nurture Division is on the way to ARGENTINA, representing INDIA at 6TH INTERNATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE OLYMPIAD, from…