Central Excise Day 2023: A Look into the Significance of Taxation in Nation-Building
Every year on 24th of February, Central Excise Day is celebrated in commemoration of the Central Excise and Salt Act-1944. This day is dedicated to honoring the CBEC members’ efforts and inspiring them to carry out their responsibilities more effectively. It acknowledges the role and contribution of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (Earlier known as the Central Board for Excise and Customs) in the nation’s development.
The roots of this day can be traced back to the pre-independence era. In 1944 Central Excise and Salt Act was passed. Salt was one of the main revenue streams of colonial India. Thus to streamline and have better control over tax collection (especially salt tax) the Act was passed in 1944. The long journey continues, and here we celebrate Central Excise Day 2023.
Since independence India’s indirect tax and customs-related laws have undergone many reforms. In this long journey, the Central Board for Excise and Customs and its officers have played key roles. The celebration aims at recognizing and acknowledging the contribution made by taxation officers and institutions towards the service of the nation. The officers have made the union government’s revenue streams more transparent and stronger through their integrity and efforts.
It goes one step ahead to create more awareness about excise and customs. It encourages citizens to make contributions towards a healthy and transparent taxation system. On this day, seminars and workshops are organized by the Department of Revenue (under the finance ministry) to educate citizens on indirect taxes and customs.
The central excise day seeks to have a corruption-free taxation ecosystem in India. It aims to promote trust between citizens and taxation authorities, and institutions of India. It is in sync with government steps like transparent taxation, honoring honest taxpayers, etc.
Celebrating Central Excise Day will go a long way in making India’s taxation system stronger. Given the current tax-to-GDP ratio of the country, which is almost stagnant at around 10%, it is need of the hour & we should work to bring India into the league of developed nations.
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