With just one day left for JEE Main online exam 2018, it is finally the time to figure out how and through what methods you can boost up your preparation for the long-awaited exam. JEE Main Computer Based will be held on 15-16th April 2018.
The online exam is different from the conventional paper-and-pen exam. In the exam, the questions will appear on the computer screen and the candidates will be provided with a rough sheet for the calculations. There is an advantage for the candidates as they will be able to have a check on the unattempted questions and the remaining time. In order to get familiar with the online exam, it is advisable for the students to take up mock tests and develop a sense of ease with the process.
Stay Calm and positive; remember your role model, guru before your exam. Have a strategy for attempting the paper. Be bold and confident while giving the exam.Start revising the formulas and concepts.You must sleep and eat well a day before the exam. Eat light food a day before the exam. Make sure you know the exact location of your centre, reach your centre 1 hour before the commencement of the exam. Be prepared with all the things required to carry along with you for the exam.
The candidates will be allowed to re-answer or review any question at any point of time during the exam.The computer screen will feature a panel to display and distinguish all answered question from those unanswered or left for review.Computer-based exam is only available for BE and B.Tech courses.
In a computer-based test, you do not get a question paper. Instructions and questions appear right on your screen. You cannot carry your own sheets, mobiles or any other thing inside the exam hall.
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