For the fourth day in a row, JEE Main 2022 Question Paper & Difficulty Level Analysis
The country’s biggest engineering entrance exam JEE Main-2022 is continuing for admission to BE-B.Tech course. On Monday, the fourth day’s examination was conducted in two shifts on computer-based mode. The analysis of the paper has been done on the basis of the feedback of the students and the response received on CSAT.
In the morning shift, the Physics paper was considered easy by the students and questions were asked from almost all the chapters. Three questions of error were asked. One question each were asked from the topics of Mains Semiconductor, EM Wave, Communication. One Assertion Reason and one True False questions were asked. Whereas in the 2nd innings, two questions of True False were asked. No sub-topic remained untouched in the paper. Apart from Communication and Semiconductor, questions were also asked from Earth Megnatism.
In the morning innings mainly match making type questions were asked. In which questions were from Surface Chemistry, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Metallurgy, Thermodynamics, Hybridisation, Inorganic Chemical Reaction. In numerical type questions, questions were asked from Physical Chemistry to Liquid Solution, Chemical Kinetics, Mole Concept and Stereo Isomerism in Organic Chemistry. Whereas in the 2nd shift, questions from JEE Mains paper S Block, Co-ordination Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Polymer, Biomolecules, P Block, Phenol, Corboxylic Acid and Hydrocarbons were asked. Chemistry paper was overall moderate. In some innings also, questions were asked on the basis of match matrix. This made it easy for the students to solve the questions.
The Maths paper in the morning shift was easier than the previous three days. Questions from all the chapters were found in the paper. One of the main topics was Probability Distribution and one Reasoning question. It took around 80 minutes to solve the paper. The paper in the 2nd shift was as time-consuming as the last three days. Questions were asked on topics like Boolean Algebra, Mean Variation, Vector 3D, Conic Section, Trigonometry, Probability, etc. Matching list-type questions were also seen in the paper.
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