Latest Question : Do Mock Test Papers help to perform well in the Actual Exam?
Ans. Yes, Mock tests definitely serve as a game changer tool for students aiming for competitive exams like IITJEE, NEET, AIIMS etc.
Those candidates who have planned their preparation strategically can be majorly benefited as they get heads up before the actual exam by attempting Mock Tests ( With creatively formulated sample papers and mock tests based on the latest guidelines, pattern and actual simulation, the student can not only exercise but can also evaluate their position among their peers. Practice papers are a great way of boosting confidence and understanding the examination pattern, importance of different sections, duration of the exam and other important aspects. It not only helps building right examination temperament but also gears up your confidence.
Those planning to appear for the exam gets cold feet before the exam. It is important for students to gain focus and confidence by practicing similar paper sets and past year papers through authentic mock tests. The layout of these test papers will give out the maximum outcome and bring out the winning qualities in the student. Designed by the trained & proficient faculties of ALLEN, the online mock tests focus on questions that can help you develop your skills in scientific reasoning, correlation, and application. With the test series, you can put your knowledge to test and improve your understanding of any concept. To inculcate scientific attitude among students, questions related to general knowledge & science around day to day life is also asked. It becomes mandatory for aspiring candidates to practice, measure and analyze their preparation through Mock tests. Best of Luck !
Question-1 : What would you like to advise the students appearing for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. JEE MAIN is a simple exam but what makes it competitive is the number of students appearing for it. So according to me, a student who is following a perfect & disciplined schedule and is under the guidance of experts has a fair chance of cracking and acing the JEE MAIN 2020.
Question-2 : What is the most effective study plan for a student who is appearing for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. The study plan for cracking JEE MAIN 2020 January is as follows:-
Remember, JEE MAIN is a simple exam, but all it requires is a disciplined preparation, keeping things simple and having control over the mind.
Question-3 : What are the best books recommended to prepare for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. JEE Main syllabus is based on NCERT so it is advised to read the NCERT books carefully and solve all the exercises given in the book. In addition to this, students must use the following in order to prepare for the exam:-
Question-4 : What should be the preparation strategy (chapter wise) for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. In JEE Main questions can be asked from any chapter that are included in the syllabus. So it can’t be said which chapter is more important. It is advised to complete all the chapters up to the NCERT level. A student should target finishing 80 percent of the syllabus with a high level of perfection. If a student is able to attempt 80 percent of the paper with accuracy in 3 hours then he may score well and will definitely land into a good NIT.
Question-5 : What should be the preparation strategy for a 12th grader who is preparing for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. First and foremost you must understand the nature and the pattern of JEE examination:
This year’s question paper will contain 75 questions (25 of each subject). In each subject, 20 questions will be MCQ’s and 5 questions will be integer answer type. Since the duration is the same i.e. 3 hours and the number of questions has decreased to 75 from 90, we can expect the difficulty level to increase. JEE MAIN paper is expected to be a reflection of JEE advanced paper.
Following are the suggestions for the students of 12th grade:-
Question-6 : What is the best time table that can be followed by a student who is in class 10th/11th/12th grade and is planning to appear for the medical or engineering entrance exams?
Ans. Managing coaching and school are more of psychological pressure that students carry in their minds. However, one must understand that if their fundamentals are strong then they can easily glide through any exam pattern. Here is a simple table that a student can follow:-
Question-7 : What should be the preparation strategy as the examination draw close?
Ans. As the exam draws closer
If a student has a good command over the 80 percent of the syllabus, then he has a fair chance of scoring at least 175-200 out of 300.
Question-8 : How important are the test series, mock tests and previous year question papers for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. 1. Joining test series of a good coaching institute is highly beneficial as:
Ans. Online Test Series Programme is beneficial for students who are not enrolled in any coaching institute. A student may join the programme on the commencement of an academic year.
Question-10 : Any strategies that a student should keep in mind in order to deal with negative marking system in the exam?
Ans. First and foremost keep yourself calm during the examination and solve the questions only after carefully reading and understanding them. Guesswork is strictly not advisable.
Question-11 : Are NCERT books sufficient to crack JEE Main?
Ans. No, NCERT books are not sufficient. They should be clubbed with NCERT exampler and previous year question papers of JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED.
Question-12 : Which all chapters in the NCERT are enough to crack JEE Main 2020?
Ans. Questions can be asked from the entire syllabus, thus no chapter can be specified. A student must make sure he has covered 80% of the syllabus in order to clear the exam.
Question-13 : If a student has persistently scored less in regular tests, how can they motivate themselves for JEE Main 2020?
Ans. Low score in regular tests provides a student with an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Students are advised to identify their weaknesses and regularly work on them and by doing so they will be able to convert their weakness into their strength.
Question-14 : After board examination, what should be the Revision strategy for JEE MAIN 2020?
Ans. Students are advised to prepare short notes of every chapter. Short notes play a vital role in speeding up the revision. And they should also focus on solving two questions papers daily from previous years once their board examinations are over.
Question-15 : Should I enrol myself in a coaching class or self-study is enough to clear JEE Main?
Ans. With the increase in the level of competition; joining a good coaching institute serves as an added advantage while preparing for JEE Main.
A good coaching institute provides:-
So yes, a student should consider joining a coaching institute as there are infinite benefits of it.
Question-16 : Is the Study Material provided by ALLEN sufficient for cracking JEE Main?
Ans. ALLEN Study Material is prepared by a panel of experts. This panel holistically works on synchronising the study material with the syllabus of JEE. The material involves different types of conceptual, tricky and brainstorming questions. It even includes the question from the previous years & all other possible areas which are likely to be asked in forthcoming exams.
And yes, ALLEN study material is sufficient for scoring a top rank in JEE.
Question-17 : Which books should be used (apart from NCERT) for JEE Main 2020 preparation?
Ans. Apart from NCERT, NCERT exampler and previous years papers of JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED are sufficient.
Question-18 : Is NCERT and ALLEN study material sufficient to score XXXX+ in the JEE Main?
Ans.ALLEN Study Material is prepared by a panel of experts. This panel holistically works on synchronising the study material with the syllabus of JEE. The material involves different types of conceptual, tricky and brainstorming questions. It even includes the question from the previous years & all other possible areas which are likely to be asked in forthcoming exams.
And Yes, NCERT and ALLEN study material is sufficient for scoring a top rank in JEE.
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