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Mumbai’s Auto Rickshaw Driver’s Son Cracks JEE Advanced 2024

Mother Works as Domestic Help to Support Education of Her Son

Mumbai’s Auto Rickshaw Driver’s Son Cracks JEE Advanced 2024

Meet Parth Viraj Vaity, a 17-year-old son of an auto rickshaw driver, Sudhakar Viraj Vaity in Mumbai, has achieved an extraordinary milestone.

He has cracked JEE Advanced 2024 with top Rank and score to secure a place in one of the most esteemed engineering institutions in the country, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

ALLEN JEE Main 2024 Result

He has scored 367 AIR Rank (CRL) and OBC Rank 50 with a score of 267 marks in JEE Advanced 2024. While earlier Parth had scored All India Rank (CRL) 3092 with an OBC Rank of 591 in JEE Main 2024.

Parth’s Journey to Success

However, Parth’s journey to success is not without challenges, primarily due to the family’s financial constraints. Despite living in a modest 10 feet x 10 feet single-room house with his parents in the suburb of Mulund,

Mumbai, Parth has surpassed all obstacles to fulfill his parents’ dreams. His father earns a daily income of Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 from driving an auto rickshaw, while his mother, Neeta Viraj Vaity, works as a domestic helper to contribute to their son’s education.

ALLEN JEE Main 2024 Result

Their relentless dedication ensured that Parth could attend an English medium private school in Mumbai, where he excelled, scoring an impressive 98.4% in the CBSE Class 12 Examination.

His parents spared no expense, ensuring he had access to quality education, including expensive books and tuition fees, removing any obstacles from his educational path.

Owes Success to His Parents

“I owe my educational success to my parents who worked day and night to sustain my costly education,” Parth acknowledges gratefully.

His success mantra revolved around diligent studying, involving revising classwork and completing homework daily to prepare for the rigorous JEE exams.

Parth said that he studied from different reference books to ensure success in JEE. In his leisure time, Parth finds solace in the world of books, particularly enjoying reading storybooks.

For aspiring JEE candidates, Parth’s message is simple yet powerful – perseverance and hard work from the outset yield better results.

Additionally, Parth received significant support from ALLEN, which offered him a 90% scholarship recognizing his family’s financial struggles. Despite his achievements, Parth remains grounded, expressing his dream of securing admission to IIT Mumbai.

Parth’s story is a testament to the power of determination and resilience in the face of adversity. From humble beginnings to aspiring for greatness, his journey inspires countless others to pursue their dreams against all odds.

Director, ALLEN Career Institute, Dr Naveen Maheshwari said that ALLEN has always supported talented students from humble backgrounds.

ALLEN will continue its efforts to nurture and support financially weaker students to help them achieve their dreams.

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