Words mere words, said- Oscar Wilde, keeping this feeling in his heart that when used wisely, words can heal and spoken carelessly, they can wound. Words are sentient. Yes, they are. Words are not lifeless.
They walk the earth with you till your last breath. Words are sophisticated and words are barbaric too, just like humans. They just do not have garb on faces. They travel through our voice and silhouette our persona. Precise words can get you the first position in class. A student becomes favourite to its teacher because of the words he uses to write in his exam and to address his teachers and mates. Words show your upbringing. They bespeak your image in public.
Words form languages and languages tell us our history.
Greatest scriptures of the world could carve niche because of the words used to write them. The more one is proficient with language the better one can read and understand. But, this is despairing that in today’s cut throat environment our students do not have the liberty to study languages as an integral part of their curriculum. An Indian student always suffers on grounds of expressing himself to his parents, friends, teachers and answer sheets. If students have precise language to express their thoughts they will definitely perform well in life. Nowadays, students need to improve their spelling skills, increase their vocabularies, learn concepts and develop correct English usage that will help them in higher studies in foreign countries.
We at ALLEN believe that language and communication plays a vital role in one’s life. English is the lingua franca of the world. ALLEN as Cambridge English Authorized Exam Centre helps students increase the language proficiency from budding age.
Spellathon 2019 is an initiative taken by ALLEN Career Institute which aims at inculcating English speaking skills from the small age group. Spellathon is a spelling bee competition where contestants are asked to spell words at varying difficulty levels. The competition is conducted in two parts: – round 1 and the finale. Round 1 is a written test and final round has several interesting levels which expect students to answer questions based on their knowledge of the words.
1st round will be conducted on 1st December 2019. This round consists of 50 questions. Each question carries 1 mark and there is no negative marking for round-1. Top-10 students from each class will be chosen for the final round. The winners of the finale will be awarded after the declaration of the results. Each student will get participation certificate if he/she scores equal to or more than 50% marks in the first round.
The competition is open for all the students from class 4 to 9. Registration forms are available at all 4 locations mentioned below: –
1) Samanvaya, Talwandi 2) Sarokar-2, Talwandi
3) Samyak, Kunhadi 4) Supath, Baran road
A “Spellathon guide” will be provided to each candidate at the time of registration which consists of words for the test. Around seventy percent questions in round 1 will be asked from this booklet.
Important Dates: –
Last date of registration: – 28th Nov 2019
Registration Fee :- Rs. 100
Exam Time :- 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Important Links:
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