वृंदावन के महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी ज्ञानानंदजी महाराज ने एलेन विद्यार्थियों को दी आध्यात्मिक उर्जा। ‘गीता से पाएं मन की प्रफुल्लता’ पर…
kota coaching
On 20th Dec 2015, the Founder & Chancellor Dr. T.R.Paari Vendhar of SRM University, one of the most prestigious A-…
Keeping in mind the large number of students suffering from stress and increase in suicides with alarming rates, the coaching…
167 students of ALLEN Pre- Nurture and Career Foundation (PNCF) Division shines in the STSE-2015 Exam, the exam was conducted by…
7 students from ALLEN CAREER INSTITUTE, KOTA have been selected for the state round of prestigious National Bal Shree Competition….
An 18-year-old non-resident Indian (NRI) girl originally from Gujarat has become an unlikely source of inspiration for millions of aspiring…
Jazbe Ko Salam : For a poor coolie at Jodhpur Railway Station Platform named Jugatram who has been working hard day…