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9 IITs and 16 NITs of the Country Discontinues Branch Change Options

JoSSA Counselling 2024 Last Date of Choice Filling is June 18

9 IITs and 16 NITs of the Country Discontinues Branch Change Options

After the JEE Advanced 2024 Exam results, the counselling process for admission in IITs and NITs has started.

Lakhs of students are busy analyzing the college options based on the rank of JEE-Main 2024 and JEE-Advanced 2024.

This year, 865 branches of 121 colleges have to be filled during JoSAA counselling. The last date for choice filling is June 18.

This year, many prominent IITs and NITs have closed the option of branch change based on the first year performance of the students.

These IITs include top IITs Mumbai, Madras, Kharagpur, Hyderabad, Jammu, Mandi, Bhubaneswar, Dharwad and IIT Dhanbad.

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ALLEN JEE Advanced Result 2024

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Along with IITs, there are 16 NITs which have also closed the branch change options this year.

These NITs include NIT Jaipur, Allahabad, Calicut, Delhi, Hamirpur, Surathkal, Nagaland, Patna, Puducherry, Raipur, Kurukshetra, Rourkela, Tiruchirappalli, Warangal, Surat and Andhra Pradesh.

Impact on the Students’ Priority Lists

Every year a large number of students used to give more priority to lower branches of top IITs and NITs than the core branches of lower IITs and NITs, Because students think that they can get their branch upgraded on the basis of their first year performance by taking admission in lower branches in top IITs and NITs.

ALLEN JEE Main 2024 Result

But now, with the closure of the branch change options in 9 IITs and 16 NITs, students will be able to keep only the branch of their choice in their priority list in these colleges.

Counselling for 5991 Seats

This year counselling is being conducted for a total of 59917 seats, including 17740 seats in 23 IITs, 24229 seats in 32 NITs, 8546 seats in 26 IIITs and 9402 seats in 40 GFTIs.

As compared to last year, there has been an increase of 355 seats in IITs, 275 seats in NITs, 800 seats in IIITs and 1335 seats in GFTIs, making a total of 2765 seats.

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