"SANKALP" CP-6, Indra Vihar, Kota, Raj, India 324005

Honored Mothers on Women’s Day Who Sacrifice for Their Children’s Dream in Kota

More than one Thousand female Relatives, Mothers, and Grandmothers Participated

International Women’s Day was celebrated in ALLEN with the families of students who had come to Kota from every corner of the country. Different programs were held in Jawahar Nagar, Landmark City and Supath Campus on Baran Road in the city, in which about one thousand female relatives of the students participated.

A large number of mothers, and grandmothers also participated in it. The main function was held at Satyarth Campus in Jawahar Nagar, where the chief guest was the city Superintendent of Police Dr. Amrita Duhan. Here women were honored, they shared their experiences and also performed group dance on bhajans.

The feeling of mini India and Vasudev Kutumbakam was seen due to the women who came to participate in the program from diverse cultures and traditions. During this time, women took selfies in groups and individually at the selfie point made at the program.


Kota is the safest city for girl students: Dr. Amrita Duhan

Chief Guest city Superintendent of Police Dr. Amrita Duhan wished everyone a Happy Women’s Day and satisfied their queries. She assured that there is no safer city than Kota for students. Police monitors the coaching area every evening so that students can get a safe environment.

In view of this, an application named Kota Safety of Students-SOS has been prepared for the students. It can be downloaded from Google Play Store. Whenever students feel unsafe, they can press the panic button of the application. Its information will be immediately broadcast to the police control room and the given number.

Police will immediately reach the given location and take care of the student. Apart from this, if someone is threatening you, uploading wrong posts and videos on social media or following you there, then you can also complain about such information to the police.

SP City Kota Dr Amrita Duhan was the chief guest at the program held at Satyarth campus of ALLEN Career Institute. Dean Research of Kota University Prof. Reena Dadhich and Dr. Poonam Vyas were the chief guests in the program organized at Landmark City, while Shilpa Mathur (Director of LBS Group) and Dr Veena Khanuja, Government Medical officer were guests in the program organized at Supath Campus located at Baran Road.

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