Paper Analysis of JEE Advanced 2023 Exam by Dr. Brajesh Maheshwari, Chairman, ALLEN Career Institute Pvt Ltd
The country’s most prestigious engineering entrance exam JEE Advanced Exam 2023 concluded on Sunday. This year the exam has been organized by IIT Guwahati. The exam was held in two phases from 9 to 12 in the morning and from 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. Both the papers were of 180-180 marks and the total paper was of 360 marks.
As per the feedback received by the students on the CSAT App specially designed by ALLEN Career Institute, the difficulty level of Paper 1 and Paper 2 was almost the same. That is, both the papers were difficult. However, some students found it more difficult to solve Paper 1. There were four sections in each paper.
Physics was easier than last year. The Mathematics paper was long and difficult like last year. While the chemistry paper remained the same as last year. The students who have practiced solving papers of different difficulty levels and have prepared for advance throughout the year, it would have been a bit easier for those students to solve the paper.
There was proper inclusion of new topics. Solution of triangle in maths was removed from syllabus but still two questions were asked by making comprehension. The weightage of Organic Chemistry was slightly higher and questions from Chemistry in everyday Life were asked in Organic Chemistry. Which has been added to the syllabus of JEE Advanced this year.
Students will be issued their recorded response sheet on June 9 at 5 pm. After this, the provisional answer key will be released on June 11 at 10 am. On which students will be able to register objection till 5 pm on June 12. After this, the result of JEE Advanced along with the final answer key will be released on June 18.
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In Overall Physics, the difficulty level of Paper 1 and Paper 2 was moderate. This year questions were also asked on new topics added in JEE Advanced syllabus like Polarization, EM Waves. A question similar to the fluid dynamics question, asked in JEE Advanced last year, was also asked this year as well.
Must Read:- JEE Advanced 2023 Answer Key, Paper Solutions & Video Solutions By ALLEN Experts
The overall chemistry paper was moderate to difficult. Almost all the topics were covered in both papers. The weightage of Organic Chemistry was slightly higher and questions from Chemistry in Everyday Life were asked in Organic Chemistry which have been added to the syllabus of JEE Advanced this year. In Inorganic Chemistry, questions were asked from almost all the main topics. In physical chemistry, good questions were asked in the numerical section.
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Paper 1 of Mathematics was difficult and lengthy. While Paper 2 was of moderate level and lengthy. In both the papers, questions were asked from Functions, Matrices, Permutation and Combination, Conic Section, Probability and Statics, Complex Numbers, Vector and 3-D Geometry. The number of questions from Calculus was less as compared to previous years. Solution of triangle was removed from syllabus but still two questions were asked by making comprehension.
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The total paper was of 180 marks. The total number of questions was 51. Means 17-17 questions were divided in all the three subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Paper 1 had four single correct questions. In which there was a provision of three marks for correct answer and minus one mark for wrong answer. There were three multiple correct questions. In which there was a provision of four marks for correct answer and minus two marks for wrong answer.
There were total six questions of numerical and integer type. There will be four marks for correct answer while there was no negative marking for wrong answer. There were four questions from match the column. Which in a way is like single correct questions. In this, the student will get three marks for correct answer while there is a provision of minus one mark for wrong answer.
The total paper was also of total 180 marks and total 51 questions were asked. Which were divided into three subjects on the basis of 17-17 questions. There were four single correct questions in it. There was a provision of three marks for the correct answer and minus one mark for the wrong one. Three multiple correct questions were asked. In which there was a provision of four marks for the correct answer and minus two marks for the wrong answer.
There were also two paragraphs and two questions were asked from each paragraph. There will be three marks for the correct answer while there was no provision of minus marking for the wrong answer. Similarly six non negative integer type questions were asked. In which four marks will be given on the correct answer, while there was no provision of minus marking on the wrong answer.
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