With just a few months left for JEE and NEET exam, it is very important to strategies your studies attain success in the exam.
Here we are to help how and what strategy you must follow to perform better in these national-level Examinations. As we all know the Synchro study is a method to focus on all the subjects while preparing for the examinations. But with the exams approaching, we need a Modified Synchro Study method, this will help you to overcome silly mistakes and activate the full potential of your brain.
In the JEE Main exam 25 questions are asked, in NEET 45 questions are asked while in JEE Advanced there are 18-20 questions per subject, all the questions are asked from different topics. So our brain should be efficient enough to switch over from the topics while attempting the paper. But analyzing it while preparing for the exam is very important.
For example, if you are revising the questions of rotational motion or ironic equilibrium in chemistry usually you solve and revise the question of a single topic. But in Modified Synchro Study method when you solve the first question, in the end, the same topic is circulated in the brain because of which your brain gets aligned according to the topic which increases your speed.
Therefore it is very essential to understand that the brain does not get trained in the examination hall. The training you did while preparing for the exam helps you on the final day.
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Now you need to understand the method of training which is the Modified Synchro Study.
While studying align yourself to study a subject for 1-2 hours. But you have to choose 4 different chapters and take a slot of 2 hours. In these 2 hours set a target, like to solve 110-120 questions for NEET, 60-80 questions for JEE Main and 45-50 questions for JEE Advanced. Now divide the questions to be solved according to the chapters. The advantage of studying with this method is that the efficiency of your brain to switch on different topics at the same time increases. With this, you are training your brain according to the examination point of view. Also, you must keep in mind that the slot mustn’t exceed 2 hours. After 2 hours you need to switch the subject or the topic and within 8-10 days you will realize that the silly mistakes have been drastically reduced.
[quote]Modified Synchro Study method helps in overcoming silly mistakes by more than 98%. Follow this method and crack your JEE and NEET exam without doing silly mistakes.[/quote]
ALLEN Career Institute announces admission for Session 2020-21 for JEE (Main+Advanced), JEE (Main), Pre-Medical (AIPMT (NEET-UG)/ AIIMS), Pre-Nurture & Career Foundation (Class VI to X, NTSE & Olympiads). Click Here: www.allen.ac.in
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