JEE Main 2024 Session 1 Exam Will Be Held on 27, 29, 30, 31 January & 1 February
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is a coveted competitive engineering entrance examination which is a path to country’s premier engineering institutions. After long time preparation of for the JEE Main exam, attempting the JEE Main examination carefully can ensure success in cracking this examination.
Aspirants many times commit silly mistakes in the JEE Main examination which cause them dearly in terms of loss of marks due to negative marking or hurriedness. Here we will discuss about some common mistakes which aspirants should avoid to score high in the JEE Main Examination.
Also, Check:- JEE Main 2024 Session 1 (29 January-Shift 1) – ALLEN Paper Analysis
Aspirants must careful read the examination instructions as it has been observed that many aspirants overlook the examination instructions during the JEE Main examination. Before attempting the JEE Main examination papers and questions in it, aspirants must carefully read the examination instructions. This alertness will check aspirants from committing common mistakes.
Like every examination, Time management is crucial for success in JEE Main also. Aspirants should refrain from wasting time on resolving any single question as it may kill their vital examination time. Move on to the next examination questions and later can return on that difficult question after solving other questions. Give priority to the questions on the basis of your strength and weaknesses and marks allotted to every question section.
Guessing answers of the question should also be done with a strategy as abruptly guessing the answers might result in losses of the marks following negative marking provisions in the paper. Follow a strategy for guessing the answers of the questions.
Eliminate probable incorrect options before arriving at the right answer. JEE Main examination paper carries negative marking so aspirants should skip the question instead of attempting wrong answers.
Challenging questions are part of the JEE Main examination so aspirants must not get caught in the web of the difficult questions and consume all their examination time. Attempt manageable questions first and then can solve the challenging questions later.
Aspirants should revisit their answers in the question paper. Keeping in mind the examination time, aspirants can review their answers as it will help them avoid potential mistakes in the answers. This will improve the accuracy of the answers and avert incomplete answers.
While resolving numerical questions, offer complete attention to the units otherwise omission of the units or their incorrect can result in errors. Aspirants must be double sure that they are adapted to the unit conversions as unit conversions are important in several chemistry and physics questions.
Do rough work and calculations systematically in the JEE Main examination. Aspirants should make optimum use of the designated spaces or margins of the question paper for rough work. It will keep your work clean and help in review of the solution during revision.
Panicking or feeling nervous is part of the examination but it should not overpower you so much so that your performance is affected. Aspirant should not panic and solve questions methodically. Aspirants should stay calm and composed while approaching questions otherwise the anxiety and nervousness can block the thinking process and lead to multiple mistakes.
In JEE Main examination every section has its own allotted time. Aspirants must adhere to the allotted time for each section otherwise it may prevent aspirants from completing their sections which can result in loss of marks.
Carefully fill the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheet of the JEE Main examination. Fill out the circles precisely accurately and cross check the answers before submission of the OMR answer sheets.
Along with a well-planned preparation for JEE Main Examination, avoiding mistakes in the examination paper is also crucial. Aspirants can improve their chances of earning high scores by preventing common mistakes which are avoidable.
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