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UPSC CSE 2024 : Last 3 Months, Month Wise Master Plan !!

Countdown to UPSC CSE 2024: A Strategic Guide for the Final 3 Months!

Are you gearing up for the UPSC CSE exam? Dive into our detailed 90-day plan crafted just for you! We’ve got your back with key tips and strategies, all geared toward acing the UPSC journey. From diving deep into subjects to mastering mock tests and staying updated on current affairs, we’ve got the essentials covered. Let’s embark on this journey together, armed with positivity and a solid roadmap to UPSC success!

Month 1: Revise and Consolidate

  1. Subject-wise Revision: Allocate time to revise all subjects comprehensively. Focus on key concepts, formulas, dates, events, and important facts.
  2. Mock Tests and Previous Papers: Take at least 2-3 mock tests per week to assess your preparation level. Analyze your performance and identify weak areas for improvement.
  3. Current Affairs: Keep yourself updated with current affairs by reading newspapers, watching news channels, and referring to reliable current affairs compilations.
  4. Optional Subject Preparation: If you have an optional subject, devote sufficient time to revise it thoroughly. Focus on understanding concepts and practicing answer writing.
  5. Essay Writing Practice: Practice essay writing on various topics. Work on improving your writing style, structuring essays, and expressing ideas effectively.
  6. Revision Notes: Create concise and effective revision notes for quick reference. Summarize important topics, facts, and figures for each subject.

Month 2: Intensive Practice and Analysis

  1. Mock Tests and Analysis: Increase the frequency of mock tests to at least 3-4 per week. Analyze your performance, identify recurring mistakes, and work on improving your speed and accuracy.
  2. Answer Writing Practice: Dedicate time to daily answer writing practice for both GS and optional subjects. Focus on writing clear, concise, and structured answers within the allotted time frame.
  3. Subject-wise Focus: Pay special attention to areas where you are weak. Devote extra time to subjects or topics that require more clarity and understanding.
  4. Current Affairs Revision: Revise current affairs topics regularly. Focus on recent developments, government initiatives, international relations, and important events from the last one year.
  5. Revision of Standard Books: Review key concepts and chapters from standard textbooks recommended for UPSC preparation. Focus on understanding the underlying principles and theories.

Month 3: Fine-tuning and Confidence Building

  1. Full-length Mock Tests: Take full-length mock tests simulating the exam environment. Practice time management and stress management techniques to perform optimally during the actual exam.
  2. Revision of Short Notes: Review your revision notes and short summaries regularly. Focus on memorizing important facts, figures, dates, and concepts.
  3. Focused Study Sessions: Spend focused study sessions on topics that are frequently asked in the exam. Prioritize subjects and topics based on their weight age and relevance.
  4. Health and Well-being: Take care of your physical and mental health during the final days of preparation. Get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, and practice relaxation techniques to stay calm and focused.
  5. Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive attitude and believe in your preparation. Stay motivated and confident in your abilities to tackle the UPSC exam successfully.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can effectively utilize the last 90 days before the UPSC exam to consolidate your preparation and maximize your chances of success. Good luck!


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