Out of Syllabus Question came in Physics
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JEE Main is country’s biggest engineering entrance examination for admission to BE-B.Tech course Kota. The third day of JEE Main-January 2024 session 1 examination was held on Tuesday. The examination was conducted on computer based mode. Dr. Brajesh Maheshwari, Director of ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. said that based on the feedback of the students and the feedback received on ALLEN Digital, a out of syllabus question has appeared in the Physics paper in the morning shift on Tuesday.
Must Read:- JEE Main 2024 – Know How To Crack Physics
According to the feedback received from the students, the morning shift paper was of easy to moderate level. The paper asked matrix match questions from Unit and Dimension from class 11th syllabus. From NLM, one question was asked from Pulley Block, one from Kinematics 1 d, one from Work Power Energy, two questions from COM related to Impulse and Rotation. Whereas two questions came from Elasticity, one question each came from KTG and Thermo. An earth field based question was asked from gravity. A question came from sound on resonance tube.
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Similarly, from the Class 12 syllabus, there were three questions from Current Electricity, one from Electrostatics, one from Geometrical Optics and two from MEC. One question was on dip angle, which was out of the JEE Main syllabus this year. One question each came from EM Wave and Wave Optics. Whereas one question each came from capacitance and AC. Three questions were asked from Modern Physics. A question also came from Semi-Conductor, which was based on Zener Diode.
Physics paper came easy in the evening. Questions were asked from almost all chapters from class 11th and 12th syllabus. From 11th class one question each came from U&D, Vectors NLM, Kinematics 2 d, WPE, Rotation, Calorimetry, KTG, Thermo, Fluid, SHM and Gravitation. A question was asked question on AM conservation from rotation. Similarly, from class 12th syllabus, there were two questions from Electrostatics, two from Current Electricity, one from MEC, one from AC, one question each from EM Wave and Wave Optics. The number of questions from Modern Physics was four. Questions were based on radiation pressure, photoelectric effect, bohr model and mass defect. Questions came on Vernier Calipers from Instruments and questions came on SI and Geodiodes from Semiconductor.
Must Read:- JEE Main 2024: Tips to Crack Chemistry
Chemistry paper was easy in the morning shift which could be solved easily in 35 to 40 minutes.
Most of the questions in the paper were informative. In Inorganic Chemistry, there was one question from Periodic Properties, one from Molecular Orbital Theory, one from Chemical Bonding, one from Salt Analysis and one from F Block. Whereas in Organic Chemistry, one question was asked from Nomenclature, one from GOC, one from Halogen Derivatives, one from Reduction Aromatic Compound and one question related to Carbohydrate. Similarly, in Physical Chemistry, one easy question came from Atomic Structure, one from Chemical Kinetics, one from Liquid Solution, one from Thermodynamics and one from Faraday’s Law. Overall the paper was easy.
Even in the evening shift, the paper was very easy which the student completed in about 35 to 40 minutes. In this, questions from application of electro negativity, dipole moment, optical isomerism of coordination compound, flame test, and D block were asked from inorganic chemistry. Questions on IUPAC naming, stability order of carbocation, two questions on isomerism, POC, hydroboration oxidation, Cannizzaro reaction, diazotization and nucleic acid were from organic chemistry. Most of the questions in Physical Chemistry were in numerical par in which questions came on mole fraction spectral line, depression in freezing point, speed of reaction, buffer solution and oxidizing power.
Must Read:- JEE Main 2024 – Know How to Crack Mathematics Exam
On the third day, in the morning shift, the Maths paper was of moderate level. The calculations in the paper were quite lengthy.
One question was from Quadratic Equation, two from Sequence and Progression, one from Trigonometry Equation, one from Straight Line, one from Circle, one from Hyperbola, one from Ellipse, one from P&C, one from Binomial Theorem, one from Probability, and one question from Differentiability. One from Functions, two from Limits, one from Rolle’s Theorem, one from Methods of Differentiation, one from Definite Integration, one from Area, two from Differential Equations, one from Matrix, Vector, three from 3D Geometry, three from Complex Numbers. One question was asked from Statistics and one from Sets.
The Maths paper in the evening shift was of moderate level. The calculations in the paper were quite lengthy. Two questions from Sequence and Progression, one from Trigonometry Compound Angles? One question from Circle, one question from Parabola, one question from Hyperbola, one question from Ellipse, one question from P&C, two questions from Binomial Theorem, one question from Bayes Theorem in Probability, one mixed question from Differentiability and Integration, One from Functions, one from Maxima – Minima, one from Tangent and Normal, one from Methods of Differentiation, two from Definite Integration, one from Area, one from Differential Equations, one from Matrix, and one from assertion reason type question, one from Determinant, Vector and Four questions were asked from 3D Geometry, one question from Complex Numbers, one from Statistics and one question from Relations.
🔴 LIVE | JEE Main 2024 Paper Analysis | 30th Jan (Shift 1 & 2) by ALLEN Experts
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