The threat of Corona Virus has led to a lockdown in the entire nation. This has created confusion and anxiousness among the aspirants of JEE 2020. JEE Main 2020 April Examination has been postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak. JEE Advanced 2020, which was scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 17, 2020, thus stands postponed and will be rescheduled after JEE (Main) 2020.
Tips for JEE (Main +Advanced) 2020 Aspirants during Lockdown
The students need to utilise this time productively to strengthen their preparation. There are three categories of students who are aiming for IIT-JEE. The first category is of those students who are very well prepared for the exam, the second category is of the students who feel that their preparation is not up to the mark and the third category is of the students who are not prepared well for the exam.

Now during this time, the first category of students should start giving the full syllabus papers. To maintain their command over the subject they need to attempt the papers regularly. These students need to focus on test papers and revision. Students can practice previous year test papers. Also, they can appear in ALLEN Free Online Drill test series for JEE Main+Advanced. The students can appear in the test series from anywhere across the country. They can conveniently assess themselves sitting at home through ALLEN Drill Tests which has been introduced by ALLEN Career Institute to help them prepare for the exam seamlessly during Coronavirus lockdown. The students should keep themselves prepared for JEE Advanced as well. So they should attempt papers of both the exams on an alternate basis. It is strongly recommended that students should give the papers in a slot of 3 hours such as from 9 am to 12 pm or 3 pm to 5 pm. While on an average they should pick a chapter from each subject for the revision. While revising they should focus on the theory and formulas also reattempt the problems which they found difficult.
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The second category of students should make a list of their weak areas and focus on them. On average, they should focus on one chapter per day so in 30 days they will strengthen 30 chapters. Along with this, they should dedicate 10 days for test papers. After every 5th day of a revision, they should attempt a full syllabus test paper. This will clear their orientation and they will be able to understand the flow of preparation. While studying they should make a proper schedule for revision and revise at least 2-3 chapters per day.
The third category of students should make their mindset and stay positive while preparing for the exam If there are 30 chapters in each subject, on average, they need to pick up a chapter from each subject. They should refer to the study material available to them and study the basic theory and solve at least 20-25 questions. The primary focus of these students should be on JEE Main. They should practice the question papers of AIEEE & JEE Main from the year 2001 to 2018. By following this strategy in almost 40 days the syllabus would be completed. After this, the students should start solving the full syllabus paper. It is recommended that they should solve 16 papers of JEE Main which were conducted last year. These papers can be easily downloaded from the website. The student should give these papers in every 5-6 days, which will help them to assess themselves and gain confidence. After completion of syllabus students should attempt at least 3 full syllabus paper per day.
While following these strategies the students will be able to strengthen their preparation at the end of May. The students can follow this strategy for both JEE Main & Advanced. Also, don’t forget to do the paper analysis. In the end, have faith in yourself and keep working hard.
Important News:
- JEE (Main) 2020: Facility for correction of cities for centre reopened
- JEE Main & NEET 2020 Online Digital Classroom by ALLEN. Apply now and join special online courses today.
- Study Anytime, Anywhere with ALLEN Online Test Series and “Test My Prep” app.