Dr. Rahul Kashyap is a physician researcher in Critical Care Medicine and holds the academic rank of Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. He holds a medical degree from TN Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai. He has completed a post-doctoral research fellowship in Emergency Medicine and senior research fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at Mayo Clinic USA. He is also serving as an Associate Director, Critical Care Research Fellows, Mayo Clinic.
In His words :-
To embark on the journey towards my dream of medical college ALLEN was a major stepping stone. I owe my professional success to ALLEN. I heard a lot about it while studying at Jaipur. But once I went there it was an epiphany. ALLEN was in its youth when I joined (1997-98), it was climbing the ladder of 3rd or 4th year of its success, I guess. I was flabbergasted, by the charging environment, the august expertise of Brajesh sir in Physics, Saxena sir in Chemistry and KG Vaishnav sir in Botany and Zoology. Looking back, I realized that those weekly tests, the major tests series, the photos in each test and during major tests, center and state ranks, were stimulation for the actual exam.
Getting a chance to sit next to the high rankers sent an adrenaline rush, which also played a huge motivator. I can certainly say that being a student at ALLEN made my impossible dream as an ‘I M Possible’ dream!
“Do your best what you have and where you are” and
“Don’t tell the world what you can do, just do it”
These 2 quotes kept me going then. However, my message to you all would be that passing those IITJEE /AIIMS/AIPMT etc exams are not the final destination or not able to pass is not the end of the journey. As far as you are honest with yourself, know your skills, strengths, and weakness and plan accordingly, life has many other beautiful opportunities, you yet to know about ! ! – Dr. Rahul Kashyap