Keshav Narendra Pratap Singh got AIR-4 in AIIMS 2013 and is presently pursuing post-graduation from AIIMS Delhi

Meet this multi-talented Doctor, Keshav Narendra Pratap Singh, whose life is a perfect illustration of how goals are achieved with constant hard work and perseverance. He completed his MBBS from AIIMS, Delhi in 2018 and is currently pursuing his post-graduation from there. His life has been a roller coaster ride with several ups and downs but he maintained a great pace that made him rise above it all. He also secured AIR-83 in NEET and Rank-5 in UPPMT.

“Hard work can beat Talent and Luck!”

This is his motto in life that he not only prophecies but has lived by. Such is the story of Dr. Keshav Narendra Pratap Singh where efforts and hard work paved his way and shaped him a future that many of us desire for.

Born and raised in Mumbai, Keshav did a major part of his schooling from there. His Father Mr. Narendra Pratap Singh is working with the Indian Railways and his Mother Mrs. Rama Singh is a homemaker.  Like most of us, his hobbies are reading, watching movies and listening to music. He also loves to play Table Tennis and Chess for leisure. Life in school was good, smooth, and relaxed until when his parents started dreaming of him becoming a Doctor.

Keshav mentions “Like every other Indian family it was my parents who wanted me to pursue Medicine and encouraged me to give it a try”.  But it was not a decision he ever regretted, in fact, it was life’s best gift to him.

The first step was to find a good coaching institute and my search ended at Allen.

Meet Dr. Keshav Narendra Singh (AIR 4, AIIMS 2013); An AIIMS Doctor turned into Future IAS Officer

Challenges or Opportunities?

Apart from the accommodation odds, the huge number of students at ALLEN accounted for a very high level of competition which became an added fear. Trying to settle all this consumed a lot of his study time in the initial days.  But moving ahead, he realised that it was these challenges that knocked as his biggest opportunities and ALLEN was always there as his family to help and support him.

A Second Home

ALLEN, the word itself leaves a mixed bag of feelings in his heart as he proudly calls it his “2nd Home”. Why?, because apart from giving the best direction to his career, the ALLEN Family cared for all his emotional and social needs as well as a comfort that only his home could provide for.

He adds “It provided me with the best faculties and rigorous practice in the form of tests which are the two important pillars in clearing this exam. Also, as there are students from all around the country and NEET and AIIMS UG exams are relatively competitive exams where you have to score relatively better, it helped me get an idea about where I stand among the crowd and so always kept me in check. Maheshwari Sirs were always available for direct contact in case we needed help anytime. In short, Kota provided me with the correct environment that is needed for this exam. The celebrations after every test helped us lighten up and motivated us to do better each time. They motivated me and helped me get through all such lows”.

The Best of Times

Moving down memory lane, Keshav told that the ceremonies that were held after tests were very rejuvenating for him. “Collecting medals on stage and the after party was one of the best memories I had in ALLEN. That medal always motivated me to keep working hard in every test”.

He made the best of friends at ALLEN who will remain in his heart forever. Even now when he is out there studying at AIIMS, whenever he gets to meet any fellow ALLENite, there is always this strong underlying feeling of belongingness to the place.

“I am not sure if I would be where I am today without ALLEN”.

Work hard, because it’s so worth it

Keshav believes that success is a product of the right guidance mixed with proper planning, hard work, and total belief in oneself.

For all those who are still struggling and juggling with their preparations, he says” Just keep working hard as you, like me, are away from your home for a definite purpose. There is no substitute for hard work. Practice multiple choice questions especially in physics as they are the ones that make and break merit. So only practice will help you crack them faster since time is one of the important factors too. Have a plan and target for yourself and keep following it. We all have our lows and fears when it’s only us who can get through them. Even I was not sure if I could make it, looking at the immense competition around and even when I got through my first reaction was ‘is this even true’.

I agree it will be tough, you might hate every moment, you will have your fears, you might want to quit but just keep moving even if it’s just one step, and trust me in the end, IT IS WORTH ALL THE EFFORTS! All the best to all of you”

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ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd.

ALLEN Career Institute is one of India's most trusted coaching institutes for competitive exams. We offer high-quality educational content to help students prepare for exams such as JEE Advanced & Main, NEET-UG, National/International Olympiads, and more.

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