Parv Mehta had got AIR- 7 in the AIPMT Exam 2015 and now Pursuing MBBS from MAMC, New Delhi
A simple yet immaculate desire to heal people and contribute to society is what’s leading to another doctor in the making. A Tech-Savvy & Football lover, Parv Mehta keeps life’s ideologies simple and to the point. Parv Mehta believes the real success in life is happiness and if you have that, then you have it all. and while serving society at his best, he wishes to cut a breakthrough in Interventional Cardiology abroad.

The Wish to Heal People
The best inspirations come from around us. Watching his parents who are medical professionals themselves and looking at the dire need of people in agony and suffering, Parv Mehta’s desire to become a doctor was genuinely selfless.
Coming from a small town Dahod in Gujarat, Parv Mehta loves music and gaming and works towards a constant drive to become the best possible version of himself. He is the youngest in the family of four with both parents as doctors. His mother is an Ophthalmologist and his father is an ENT specialist. His elder sister is currently the Associate Vice President for Swiss Re in Hong Kong.
Parv Mehta is currently pursuing his final year of MBBS at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. When asked about his motivation in life, he informed that he believes his inner instinct is his best motivator. Also, remembering his time at ALLEN, Parv Mehta mentions that ALLEN’s motto “Satya Kabhi Chhupta Nahi” still keeps him going through his hard times. He adds that he gives the credit of his success to his parents, especially his mother who has always been besides him through thick and thin.
Lessons for Life
“After joining ALLEN, I became sincere, punctual, and quite serious about my studies. ALLEN has taught me to be patient and consistent to get the results I really want. They also taught me to take life lightly and enjoy the process along the way.”
For someone, who had never been away from the comforts of home, staying this far was definitely a challenge. And then there were uncertainties of whether the study material or guidance that he had at his exposure before joining ALLEN was enough or not to get into MAMC. But he had known ALLEN as the benchmark for medical aspirants and the best institute for pursuing a medical career. Also, his sister encouraged him to move to Kota so as to get the exposure needed to achieve that level of success.
Then he finally reached a place where he learned his lessons for life. Be it the punctuality, sincerity and seriousness in studies or the light and positive attitude towards life, he learnt it all there. Over time he realised that patience and consistency are the keys if he really wants to achieve what he wants.
“ALLEN has helped me a lot in studies as well as in life. They have helped me to reach what seemed to me was impossible. They provided all the material, the guidance, the competition required to
31st December 2014
Having a strong memory of this date in his mind always, Parv recalls a weird incident that happened that day.
While he was in class 11, on 31st December 2014, a fire broke out in his room due to a heater malfunction. And it took away all of his notes since most of his stuff was burnt to ashes. It was a shocking incident for him and he knew how much efforts had gone in while making those notes. But during those times, ALLEN acted as a big support as everyone there helped him get back in action with revised notes and books.
“Also, anytime there was any illness or I was going through some tough times, the ALLEN faculties always had my back and were always really supportive.”
He is keen on taking medicine in future want to do a super speciality in it. Parv also wants to excel interventional cardiology abroad.
Achieving Happily
Defining Success as Happiness and vice versa, Parv believes in achieving happily in life and says this can be done only when we equally enjoy the process and the outcome.
“For me, success is when you achieve your goals you set out for, and enjoy the process of achieving your goals. That is, happily achieve. That for me is Ultimate Success.”
His motto in life is to grow as a human being and to contribute to society to the best of his ability.
My journey has definitely taught me numerous things and I know there is much more in store in the upcoming years. One lesson that I would like to share is a quote by Tony Robbins,
“Life is too short to suffer”
So face your fears and be happy. Because discipline weighs ounces, but regret weighs tons.
🔴 How an Ordinary Student Got AIR 7 ? Success Story of Parv Mehta | Legends Of ALLEN 🎓
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- Meet Dr. Keshav Narendra Singh (AIR 4, AIIMS 2013); An AIIMS Doctor turned into Future IAS Officer
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- Meet the Topper (All India Rank 1) of JEE Advanced 2014, Chitraang Murdia | Legends of ALLEN
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- Meet Dr. Srikant Mohta, Living His Mother’s Dream with Perfection (AIR 8, AIPMT 2009)
- Dr. Arushi Chaudhary | Story of a Strong Woman With Great Calibre | ALLEN Alumna (AIR 4, AIIMS 2008)
- Meet Dr. Rishav Bansal | AIR 3 in AIPMT 2008 | ALLEN Alumnus & Sr. Resident Geriatrician SDMH Jaipur
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- Meet Dr. Hardik Sardana | ALLEN Alumni & One of the Youngest Neurosurgeons | AIR 4 – AIPMT 2007
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